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Online Preparation for French Official Exams

With Le Français Online, you have the opportunity to be prepared for official exams in French.

Your teacher will assist you with every aspect of the tests.

For an overview of all the existing exams in French, you can visit this page​.

For fees, visit our FAQ. To book, visit our contact page.

Here are the main exams we prepare students for.

Online preparation for DELF exam

The DELF (Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française) is a degree which shows you have reached a specific level in French.

It tests the following levels, according to the Common European Framework of Reference: A1, A2, B1 and B2.

You have to choose your level in advance.

It evaluates 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is valid for life. It is mostly asked for people who want to study in France.

The most detailed information about the DELF exams can be found on this page.​


Your French teacher is experienced in DELF preparation, for every level.

We will focus on exam practice through exercices and detailed preparation for every part of the DELF.

Online Preparation DELF DALF exams

Online preparation for DALF exam

The DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) is a degree which shows you have an advanced knowledge of French.

Indeed, it tests the following levels, according to the Common European Framework of Reference: C1 and C2.

You have to choose your level in advance.

It evaluates 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is valid for life. It can be asked to study or to work in France.

The most detailed information about the DALF exams can be found on this page.​


Your French teacher is experienced in DALF preparation.

We will focus on exam practice through exercices and detailed preparation for every part of the DALF.

For an overview of all the existing exams in French, you can visit this page​.

Online preparation for TEF / Online preparation for TEF Naturalisation

The TEF (Test d'Évaluation de Français) is an exam which evaluates your level in French.

You don't choose your level in advance, the TEF covers all levels, from A1 to C2.

It consists of 5 tests :

  • Oral comprehension

  • Written comprehension

  • Oral expression

  • Written expression

  • Vocabulary and syntax.

You will take the test in authorized exam centers. All the parts of the TEF are taking place within a single session.


There are different versions of the TEF :

- to study in France (TEF Études),

- to obtain French citizenship (TEF Naturalisation)

- to get your French resident card (TEF carte de résident)

- emigrating to Canada and obtain Canadian citizenship (TEF Canada)

- emigrating to Québec (TEFAQ)


Your French teacher has experience in TEF preparation, including TEF Naturalisation.

We will focus on exam practice through exercices and detailed preparation for every part of the TEF, especially oral expression.

The most detailed information about the TEF exams can be found on this page.​


Online Preparation TEF Naturalisation

Online preparation for DFP exam

The DFP (Diplômes de Français Professionnel) is designed for people who want to show they can work in French.

There are different versions of the DLP: Business, International Relations, and Tourism/Hospitality/Catering.

The Business version ranges from A1 to C2, while the International Relations evaluates only levels B1 to C1, and the Tourism test, A2 to B2.

The examination is divided into two parts: understanding and processing information (written and oral comprehension), and oral interaction.

The most detailed information about the DLP exams can be found on this page.​


Your French teacher is experienced in DFP preparation.

We will focus on exam practice through exercices and detailed preparation for every part of the DLP.

Online preparation DFP
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